What I Do
My passion for technology and software development fuel my endless learning. My love of problem-solving and strong work ethic drives me to use my passion to triumph over that next issue (opportunity).
How I Do It
I use my strong analytical, problem-solving, and communication skills to leverage my experience from 20 years of leading cross functional teams in complex and dynamic environments to positively influence conditions to overcome challenges leading to success.
Why I Do It
“I positively shape the environment, so together we achieve an operative future” @DantheCodeRaider

My Story
I was a student, junior software developer, and aspiring computer engineer on 9/11. I was on my way to class that morning and listening to the news as I drove over to one of the student parking lots from my house off campus. I was almost to class when I heard that a second plane had hit the World Trade Center and I knew in that moment that something needed to be done. Instead of going to class that day, I visited the U.S. Marine Corps. recruiter’s office. I had felt the call for action and wanted to be part of the solution.
Now, more than twenty years later, I am a transitioning military special operations veteran. I found purpose and value in positively shaping environments, so together we can achieve a working future. It was an honor and a privilege to be part of an immense team who has ensured no major terrorist attack has occurred on U.S. soil since.
As I transition, I am looking for that next team. I have begun my journey of pivoting back to the software development industry. My dedication, drive, and purpose to shape environments remain. I have a proven ability to lead diverse teams to accomplish complex tasks in demanding environments, both domestically and internationally. I am skilled at positioning people and resources in the right place, at the right time to achieve success. I am an experienced listener that will combine the goals and objectives of an organization with that of my teammates and leverage leadership abilities to achieve unity of effort.
I am known for being a dynamic, focused, and results-driven operations manager and project management professional. I am a proven leader experienced at motivating a matrix of teams to complete critical tasks required to meet enterprise objectives. I also have experience conducting crisis site management, with the ability to think critically and make decisive decisions under stress.
I enjoy solving programs and have a passion for using my software development skills to create or improve processes and meet customer needs. I look to the future with enthusiasm and optimism at the potential places I may land. I am eager to find a new team, new problems to solve, and new environments to shape. I am currently searching for software development internship opportunities in the Aug-Dec 2022 timeframe and future employment opportunities starting in January 2023.